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Price List of Sanitary Electronics, valid from 1.4.2018 Prices are in Euro WITHOUT VAT      
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Signification Supply No. Characteristics Price per piece
Automatic Flushing Units  
SLP 01Z 01011 Time-controlled flushing units for SLPN 03-05 and SLPN 03Z-05Z 237,00 €
SLP 02K 01022 Urinal infra-red flushing unit with a mounting box, 24V DC 151,10 €
SLP 02KZ 01023 Urinal infra-red flushing unit with a mounting box and integrated power supply, 230V AC 177,80 €
SLP 06K 01062 Urinal infra-red flushing unit with a mounting box, 6V 223,90 €
SLP 02N 42022 Urinal infra-red flushing unit with a mounting box, 24V DC 151,10 €
SLP 02NZ 42023 Urinal infra-red flushing unit with a mounting box and integrated power supply, 230V AC 177,80 €
SLP 02NB 42025 Urinal infra-red flushing unit with a mounting box, 6V 223,90 €
SLP 02NP 42024 Urinal piezo flushing unit with a mounting box, 24V DC 212,70 €
SLP 02PA 21022 Urinal piezo flushing unit with TORX screws, with a mounting box, 24V DC 212,70 €
SLP 03K 01032 Set of SLP 02K and SLR 22, connection included, 24V DC 263,20 €
SLP 03KZ 01033 Set of SLP 02KZ and SLR 22, connection included, 230V AC 288,00 €
SLP 03KB 01034 Set of SLP 06K and SLR 22, connection included, 6V 336,00 €
SLP 03N 01035 Set of SLP 02N and SLR 22, connection included, 24V DC 263,20 €
SLP 03NZ 01036 Set of SLP 02NZ and SLR 22, connection included, 230V AC 288,00 €
SLP 03NB 01037 Set of SLP 02NB and SLR 22, connection included, 6V 336,00 €
SLP 04N 42042 Urinal infra-red flushing unit for the Geberit installation, 24V DC 179,80 €
SLP 04NB 42045 Urinal infra-red flushing unit for the Geberit installation, 6V 207,60 €
SLP 05N 42052 Infra-red flushing unit for a group of urinals, 24V DC 321,30 €
SLP 05NZ 42053 Infra-red flushing unit for a group of urinals with integrated power supply, 230V AC 347,50 €
SLP 09K 01092 Wall-mounted battery operated urinal infra-red flushing unit, chrom, 9 V 210,10 €
SLP 17 01170 Urinal Domino with infra-red flushing unit, 24V DC 301,80 €
SLP 17B 11176 Urinal Domino with infra-red flushing unit, 6V 375,00 €
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